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Discuss penis size with me
Hello, I'm a guy with a very small penis and I've already started a blog about penis size:

I'm looking for girl who are available to discuss penis size with me smile. It will be fun.

Also man with very small penis or very big penis are accepted to share their experience.

Take a look

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....I'll start. #1. I have a penis.

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Member Since: 13-May-12
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You'll be surprised how many girls & guys like 'small'
My girlfriends have said my small cock is cute, plus the chubbier girls don't feel it too much. Also, when I'm taking it from behind (and when some girls are), I really cannot be doing with having to split myself open with some enormous snake down there! A smaller cock feels more comfortable. I can actually enjoy spreading my buttocks apart.

Really, you are lucky if you are small down there, and don't let anyone tell you any different! smile

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It's a preference, I guess.
But I say bigger is better. Obviously if it's so big it causes pain it's TOO big, but that's a rarity for sure. I've had tiny and slightly average, never even as big as mine. I'd love to experience a huge monster penis. Wife doesn't seem to care, but then she does love her Rabbit vibe!

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Well what do you call big and what small?
My cock is 6,3 (16cm) long and 5 inches (13cm) in girth.
Flaccid its 2.8 inches (7cm).
So do I qualify to be in this toppic.
The head of my cock is pretty big, and my cock
gets rockhard!!


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Member Since: 20-Oct-11
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What does the average woman like most about her mans cock
Yes I also find it interesting sending and receiving PM's from men with penises they consider to be smaller than the size they would prefer. From the replies I have received from woman who have had sex partners with penis sizes ranging from 4 to 9 inches. It appears that most would put the stamina of her man first. For some the quality of the forplay is important but not in all cases. If you are a woman reading this please put me right if you have different preferences.

So all you men with smallish cocks (me included) there is no need to have worries. If you are like me you will feel uneasy showing yourself in places like pool changing rooms or public toilets.
On the other hand I'm not embarrassed discussing this subject with others on NN with small cocks. In fact I quite enjoy the experience.

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I don't think your penis is small. Besides, it is not the size of the penis, but the size of your heart and soul.

I know I have pretty good size penis and at times, it was a pain in the ass. Random hardons with the pants bulging in public. blowjobs are not deep throat but licking or just head sucking. Be happy with what you have. Besides, not all women can accommodate a large cock.

Again, I don't think your penis is small.

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kind words of bullshit
where are these agreeable, understanding and sexually open and eager women in my part of the world where they jump on small cocks , enjoy them, and complment you for your efforts. ? One per billion? Ive had a very tiny cock that GIVEN THE CHANCE , BITCHES WHO WALK OUT UPON SEEING IF SOFT!!,,,,it will double , almost triple in sice,,but alas that is stll going to be short of the so -called 'average ' male of 5+ inches. That's a load of crap. Just look around here at NN..Even the guys who lie that they have 8 inches, when pics clearly show it's 'ONLY" about 6.5,,,that's still over an inch more than the old average and the old expectations of women loooong ago. Now days,,,the average expected cock in the eyes of women is well over 7 inches,,with hopes in their lusty eyes for a big 8 incher. 6.5 is standard on this site.....more like 7 inches posted. They far out number the few men who want humiliation and whine about their 4 inch cock that they want a woman to demean verbally on pics they post.
I am well under average. I posted alot of my dick the first few years here,,and only got messages back from gay men,,who I have no fucking interest in AT ALL,,but try to convince the pushy gays to believe you on that. Women? NO responses, no pic comments ,no messages. Now that I do my tribute pics to several women per month,I do get maybe 3 pic comments in a month,often from the very same woman. I get no lusty, sexy invites or acceptance to my offer to meet local women from NN ( there are about 6 who live within50 miles of me and none show any interest ,even after personal messages and invites)
Women have laughed at the sight of my siny small soft penis and Walked Out of what was supposed to be a 'sure thing' sexual experience. Others just turn away and ignore any offers or invites....So I'm very tired of hearing that women will accept a small dick. They may say it to be nice,,but they never mean it,,not here n the midwesst. They see big cocks everywhere, and they know they are hot enough to hold off, wait for one, and just deny those who are less than 7inches month after year. So I tried a pump, and agree with above may stories that it does little or no lasting good. Fattens up,,,burst blood vessels and a lumpy fatty tissue is left stickng out for days or a week before it 'heals' and returns to a normal small thin size. have only had two experiences with low pressure extended pumping (90 minutes suction, release, suck up half strength for 10 min..then release)...AM and PM right before making an 'appearance' at a nude resort or beach. I was at least able to 'appear' much bigger with 4plus inches of very thick cock hanging down,,which gets attenton and even a conversaton from some women. NOT gonna happen without that cock pump and when cock is my normal skinny,short size. That cock is a deal breaker ever time,even in the so called 'Understanding' world of nude lifestyls. I enoy being naked and showing off my cock,,IF it can look apparlng in siz. No size, =no attention , commnts, or play time for me. Pumping tonigt and early tomorrow AM just before attendng an all day nudist I do want my cock to look is' manly best when possible among women.

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I've been told I have a "Goldilocks dick"--not too big, not too small, but just right.

It can become REALLY small when I go swimming in cold water; I just choose not to have it photographed when it's in that condition. Typical male vanity, I suppose.

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hi, am i small enough for you?
Im one of the smallest on this site ive been told.

I get plenty of comments and giggles at my nude beach here.

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I am very big. Some girls refused to have sex with me...not very nice!

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As a 'grower' I have a perfectly respectable hard size, and for sexual situations that's obviously the most important measurement. The only time I've had negative comments is when i've still been completely soft when getting undressed and my thin 3 incher (mostly obscured by my huge pubic bush!) has provoked a few disappointed words (nothing really nasty, just things like 'oh, thats a bit smaller than im used to'). Once i get hard though, as i basically double in size, theres never been an issue!

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I am on the small side of average at 5.75". Luckily my cock it quite thick with a big mushroom head. The part that bothers me is that I'm tall and all my other features are large (feet, hands, arms, legs) so my little dick looks even smaller.

I have had a woman tell me she wanted more than I have and my wife has too. Not that they weren't satisfied, they just wanted to be fully penetrated.

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I totally agree with other women on here. For me, a smaller penis is way better than a huge one. After all, only the first few inches of the vagina are really sensitive to touch and contact. I too have had my cervix collided with and it was not a pleasant experience at all!!!! My experience with men with huge cocks is that they are so focused on their size that they forget all about the clitoris which is just begging to be stimulated be it with a tongue, finger or any other means.My hubby is also average and we are able to have very comfortable anal and vaginal sex. Smaller guys definitely get my vote!!!!

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Deep mouth
Well, on the bright side, almost all women can deep mouth you, can they not? grin blushing grin

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I've said it once and I guess I will say it again. If you line up several men with different sized dicks and all things being equal (hair color, physical appearance ect ect ect) except for cock size and ask a woman to pick which one to have sex with. Guess which one about 99% of women will pick? You guessed it, the bigger ones!!! I started a thread here a while back asking this very question and that is the result I got. Having a small cock in a school yard type pick is like being the nerdy kid that can't kick a ball. You get picked last every time.

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TumescentTom said: I've been told I have a "Goldilocks dick"--not too big, not too small, but just right.

It can become REALLY small when I go swimming in cold water; I just choose not to have it photographed when it's in that condition. Typical male vanity, I suppose.

Tom, of course you are comfortable with your penis size, and it gets rated 'Goldilocks perfect because you have 7 huge inches of cock which is well above the average size that they claim exists. I find instead that 6.8 to 7+ is REALLY what is average, thus why you feel 'average' and enjoy what you got. I'm many inches short of that, I'm rejected by women for even a TRIAL basis to see if my little dick would work for them,,,,,,so I don't buy it that its just men who care about their size. I care because of a lifetime of women who demanded more or got up and laughed and left because they expected more. It's not just some size insecurity,,it's a fucking reality of how women want big and refuse small. Endlessly'

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Member Since: 30-Aug-08
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Small But Satisfied
I've been with several dozen women over the years and have yet to have complaints about what I consider to be a very small cock. The locker room was another story. I think the key has been to try harder and always leave my partner satisfied. A selfish guy with a big dick might score easier, but I'm going to get the call backs. Still, I don't like hearing the endless dick jokes and the insinuation that someone is more of "a man" if he has a big dick. Unfortunately, one can't exercise more or work harder to achieve a larger dick, so it's a matter of coming to grips with the fact that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it BUT be better in bed.

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erect i am between 8 and 8.5 depending how hard i am .. at 45 i see more 8 days .. i feel im plenty long enough but would like a bit more girth. i have been too long for a few gals .. i had to put use my fingers around base when we fucked dogstyle so it didnt punch to deep..had a few feel loose to my girth....its how you use it and the attention to your partners desire really.. two fingers bent to the gspot as you lick the clit will make he cum and squirt 3 times before i even put it in...most chics ive known masturbate with a 2 inch vibrating bullet or a showerhead her and learn how to make her cum and it doesnt really matter what size it is ....

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8 IS enough
I'd flip over with happiness if I had an 8 inch cock, even if my girth stayed at about 6 inches. At least I'd get respect from women, a foot in the door, so to speak, to gain enough attention to use my tool and improve on its use. Pumping always increases thicknes, so that should be pretty easy to improve for those needing a thicker cock. But if your monster thick cock won't even REACH her pussy cuz it's sooo short, you dnt' have much chance to stuff her full to satisfaction.

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I'm around 8-8.5in and I've had a lot of problems with my partners complaining of some discomfort...bumping into the cervix I would guess. I compensate by holding back on to-the-hilt penetration, but it would be nice to be able to thrust fully without worry.

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It would be nice to 'thrust' , make some kind of fucking in/out motion without my short cock popping right back out of a pussy if motion is more than 2 inches back and forth.

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I'm at most 6" x 5" on my best day, but so far people like me so I'm okay with it.

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Well I am super small. I am not such a big hit with the girls smile

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Member Since: 19-Apr-16
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If the man is too big it can be difficult to manage and leaves you sore afterwards, although rather good it has to be said.
My husband is small at 5.5 inches and although it feels small at times you do get accustomed to it

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TheHornyWife said: If the man is too big it can be difficult to manage and leaves you sore afterwards, although rather good it has to be said.
My husband is small at 5.5 inches and although it feels small at times you do get accustomed to it

Your words are so often what I hear women it about a big or small cock, their pussy becomes accustomed' to the size they are working with, but of course, their pussy can also adjust to whatever size she desires at a later time OR opportunity. Many women spend so much time with extra large cocks up inside, or super size toys they choose to play with,,that when a small cock comes their way, well it isnt' satisfying to them right away, and the small cock also finds itself 'lost' in a big cave with little sensation. It would take a bit of time for her vagina to readjust back to a smaller, unstretched size to appreciate and feel'the workings of a smaller cock once again. Unfortunately it seems few women ever return to 'small cocks once they've experienced and adjusted to and enjoy what a big cock can do for them. It's no wonder that society and many religions insisted on monogomy and marriage, all with the maybe unintended side purpose of keeping the woman satisfied within the marriage with the cock she was served up with at her vows.

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you dont look small to me.

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i tried it out and posted results.
Pretty good.

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Great site
luv comparing my shrimpy dingy , was told that , against real cocks
as I was also told more than once, thick matters more than length

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cstmflash1 said: Well I am super small. I am not such a big hit with the girls smile

I like small cocks

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