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Member Since: 5-Oct-05
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women who like porn
I'm curious about women who like porn. As a teenage male when you first become obsessed with porno mags and pictures of nudity you always beleive that girls are not interested in porn and it was only teenage boys who stacked mountains of porn mags under their beds (before the age of internet porn!) but as you get older you realise that girls are just as interested and arroused by porn as men are. I remember being at teenage parties and people finding their dads stash of porn and the girls being very interested in the magazines too!

So, my question is to the girls out there, what are you opinions and early experiences of porn - especially things like finding your brothers or friends stash of porn - did it disgust you at first or did it turn you on?

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Member Since: 15-Dec-03
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me and my girl share the occasion porn fil and mags realy helps our sexual relation ship better in the bed room try new things and shit xD

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Yes......I'v loved porn since I was old enough to enjoy it. dildo

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turned me on! especially when i saw 2 girls together....gave me lotsa ideas wink

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Member Since: 11-Oct-05
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Women would like porn more if it was made with them in mind. Or with couples in mind. Most porn is made for a young male audience.

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So, what would porn be like if it was meant for women?
I don't really understand that, being as I'm a women myself.
Maybe you haven't seen enough porn to judge?
There are lots of types of porn.
It all depends what you're in to!

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Anyhow, I think lots of people are in denial about actually liking porn.
Lots of people won't even admit they masterbate!

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There is a company that specialises in porn videos for women. Can't remember the name though. The films tend to feature more foreplay for the girl etc.

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I love porn I was the one who introduced it into the bedroom. Sometimes I even masterbate whilst watching it on my own. My hubby also likes to give me oral while I watch porn. Favourite porn film Dinner Party 3

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When I was really young, my (girl)friend showed me her dad's playboy magazine, and we'd look at it all the time. We were like, 9-10.. we didn't really find it hot or anything, just.. interresting, kinda like a scientist studying bugs under microscopes. XP I only started REALLY getting into porn when I was 12 or 13, behind my parents' back. tongue

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i remember always having a curiosity of sex from very early age 4! seriously
i remember in the back of mom's women's magazines like cosmo etc there were ads for breast englarments and one pic was a large breasted woman with tassles on her nipples. i got soooo turned on. not by her, but by the naughty nature of it.
i didnt know how to masturbate at that age but i remember the tingling in my clit.
i then found a penthouse under a bush (no pun intended lol) in the front yard of one of my older brothers. the centerfold was a close up shot of a girl's pussy with the charm of her necklace on her clit. i about flipped. i couldn't stop looking and thinking..when i get older, i want to have pictures like that taken of me.
again it wasn't the girl. it was the thought of being shown that way that turned me on so much. knowing someone was taking dirty pics like that. i freaking loved it!!!
i have always loved porn. the first time i ever saw a porn movie i came 3 times w/o touching myself. i had never seen people actually having sex. i saw my first porn at age 18.
im addicted. i order porn channels and have masturbation marathon days with myself on the couch lol. i buy porn movies all the time on line.
when they show up in the mailbox, i am so turned on i can hardly keep from cumming before i get the dvd in.
if it was more acceptable to be in adult movies...that is exactly what i would be doing for a living hahaha (omg im such a freak lol)

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Member Since: 17-Jul-03
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I admit it...I love porn. I watch it (or read erotica) all the time. Its never bugged me and like cerissa I wish it was more acceptable for a woman to like and do it.
HEHE I remember once finding my dads porn in the bedroom and trying to look at it with a friend (we are hmm maybe 7 or 8, but of course my lil bro was around. We must have sent him on a millon errands so that we could sneak a peak but we never

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I heard some clever lady pyschoanalyst on TV recently say that women are turned on by (male)gay porn. Is that right?

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guy on guy porn doesnt do it for me. theres got to be a girl somewhere either with a guy or girl on girl. im not sure if i would be as into sex as i am today if i hadnt found my dads stash when i was young. i was under 10 & i was hooked instantly. mags & vids id sneak the minute they left me home alone. and i wouldnt just look at it, id touch myself too. then of course the first time i figured out i could make myself cum...well, im a long time masterbation addict. but i got to wonder if i hadnt been exposed at such a young age would i have not been as sexually open & willing as i am. id like to think i learned how to give a proper blow job by watching porn. that when im in bed with a guy, i would behave like these girls in the magazine & videos would b/c the guy looked like he liked it. maybe i wouldnt be as talented as i am w/out porn, lol. who knows really, im just glad there is porn. i love it. especially girl on girl or internal me a perv but nothing gets me hotter than that. dildo

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the female gaze
I first came upon my dad's Playboy when I was 6 or 7. I think I found it more shocking and fascinating than anything else. I was excited about the thought that I too might turn into a perfect, airbrushed creature some day. Boy was I disapointed... lol. Anyway, luckily I got over it. As a young women, I had problems wit pre internet porn. I found it embarrassing and boring. It rarely showed what I wanted to's bodies in sexy "normal" ways. Nowadays, thanks to affordable, quality digital cameras landing in women's hands--that has changed drastically. Here's to the net and the "female gaze"!

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Some women like some do not.
Some women like it and some do not. Some women who have certain chromasomes that guys also have are turned on by it. It is similar to the way that some women are attracted to other women and some men are attracted to other men.

Some women find that they enjoy it, only after their spouse or lover introduce then to it. Some are like my wife who after I introduced her to it she just loves it. She seems to get kinkier and kinkier all the time and I love that.

I have always heard that women are generally, but not in all cases, turned on by touch rather than site.

I really don't care. All I know is that I enjoy it and that's what matters. Sorry for sounding so clinical. LOL

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Member Since: 24-Oct-05
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My wife and porn.
She never loked at a video, until I poped on into the VCR back when we were dating.

Needless to say it made her wet and horny watching all of the cocks hammering the pussy.
She gets turned off when there is girl/girl or anal scences. but she gets dripping when there are close ups of cock entering the pussy.

I dunno why that works for her, but everyone is wired differently.

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Member Since: 17-Feb-20
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adult women who like porn
I really appreciate mature and lustful adult women who like porn... that's why I keep watching it on top black porn site by I really love mature porn. I am so thankful that I knew this site.

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Member Since: 9-Dec-05
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College porn
My introduction to porn was walking in on my college boyfriend while he was masturbating over magazines. We were both s-o-o-o-o-o-o embarrassed !! I turned and ran away I was so shocked. Fast forward to today and I have a big folder full of cunnilingus-orgasm gifs that I like to watch when receiving a munch. They usually do the trick in just a few minutes. bounce heart

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Member Since: 20-Mar-17
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Never paid any attention to porn until about the last five years. It just didn't interest me at all.

Now, I very much like to watch real couples doing it. Of course, they'll exaggerate on the cam sites, but sometimes you find a few that are mostly real. That is extremely sensual, appealing, and erotic to me.

If I didn't have a serious career, I would enjoy camming with a friend and do it the way I would like to see it. But that's not going to happen for a long while.

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Member Since: 18-Feb-20
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women who like porn
yes i am women who like to watch porn, i love to watch lesbian oral sex videos...where they use to do sex stunts with hands and fucking love it!!I watched them at the premium porn sites by

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I definitely enjoy porn. I remember being young and coming across my dad's magazines. It turned me on so much. I am not into women, but it was just the thought of the women posing and showing their bodies to men. I think I liked the idea of men being turned on by that. Later I remember watching some videos with my first boyfriend and I was sooo turned on. But he said he didn't want to watch it anymore because I guess he didn't like me watching and being turned on by that instead of him rolleyes

I am not into gay male porn at all. Or lesbian porn. I need a man and a woman. Actually many men and a woman Lol I like the fantasy of it. I like porn where there is a story behind it and it's not just people fucking with no back story.

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Member Since: 21-Feb-08
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Hi my husband (since 1973) was always looking at the normal girlie mags but when porn(in all it's formats became available in Australia in the earlie 80's )i was working in a massive shopping centre and the newsagents had an adults only section so i had to have a look and saw all the porn mags and videos and because my hubby and i had been into golden showers since 1972 before we were married(i introduced him to it as i loved pissing on myself in the shower or bath before i met him) and i loved looking through the mags of men and women fucking and lots of cum being sprayed around but the ones that really caught my attention were the color climax sex bizarre mags that had men and women pissing on one another yes i love golden showers but i also love normal sex and when my hubby and i joined sites like NN and did actually meet guys,ladies and couples that were into what we are into it was fantastic and we have never looked back.the sad thing is that since the early 2000's if you like golden showers in Australia you are a deviate that needs to be put in jail and in NZ if you are even caught with that sort of porn in you possession you can go to jail.But the upshot is that yes i love porn pics and movies i probably watch more than my hubby(although i am not sure on that one) as i love looking at stiff cocks i don't care if they are big or small as long as they can squirt out a lot of cum

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Member Since: 6-Jan-14
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Husband here but my wife told me about her first time seeing porn. She was about 16 and living in Indonesia were pornographic magazines are illegal, so not something many 16 year old Indonesian girls knew existed back then pre internet. She found her elder brothers porn stash and was very shocked and surprised that woman would actually let someone photograph them naked and let many others see their naked bodies.

She says she was really not turned on by the woman in the magazine but was excited about the possibility of breaking taboos herself. She had a very religious and conservative up bringing and a religiously conservative country where showing their body to anyone other than their husband was just not done and the idea of letting many others see their pussy was just not something any good Indonesian girl ever contemplated. She said later on she often fantasized about how it would feel to be one of the woman in the magazine and how it would feel to have many people seeing her naked body. She said she snuck in a few times and had a look.

Once the internet came out and online porn became so mainstream, she sort of lost interest in the whole thing and she really does not go looking at porn very much these days. She has absolutely nothing against it and doesn't mind that men look at porn, but it just no longer interests her much now that it is no longer so taboo.

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Ive seen a few that were pretty good but most are unreal.

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Member Since: 3-Aug-13
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pictaker50 said: Hi my husband (since 1973) was always looking at the normal girlie mags but when porn(in all it's formats became available in Australia in the earlie 80's )i was working in a massive shopping centre and the newsagents had an adults only section so i had to have a look and saw all the porn mags and videos and because my hubby and i had been into golden showers since 1972 before we were married(i introduced him to it as i loved pissing on myself in the shower or bath before i met him) and i loved looking through the mags of men and women fucking and lots of cum being sprayed around but the ones that really caught my attention were the color climax sex bizarre mags that had men and women pissing on one another yes i love golden showers but i also love normal sex and when my hubby and i joined sites like NN and did actually meet guys,ladies and couples that were into what we are into it was fantastic and we have never looked back.the sad thing is that since the early 2000's if you like golden showers in Australia you are a deviate that needs to be put in jail and in NZ if you are even caught with that sort of porn in you possession you can go to jail.But the upshot is that yes i love porn pics and movies i probably watch more than my hubby(although i am not sure on that one) as i love looking at stiff cocks i don't care if they are big or small as long as they can squirt out a lot of cum

Your husband is *SO* lucky!!!

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