
US age 48
Joined 20 years ago
Last login 14 years ago
male is 6 feet tall brown hair hazel eyes and in good shape female is 5 feet 2 inches dirty blond green eyes and in good shape as well if you want to know anymore about us send us a message of some sort and we will try to respond hope to talk to you all later have fun :)
My RudeNude Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:No one at the moment
Marital Status:Married
Member Since:2-Oct-03
Last Logged In:2-Sep-09
Location:united states, United States
About spongebob
Star Sign:
Is Following:we like everyone that is nice and friendly
Is Looking For:Anything!, Cyber Sex w-out/cam, Casual Chat Room Talk,...
Other:music movies and anything that deals with the outdoors and spending time with our kids and friends and family and each other
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Professional Life
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Self Description
Profile last updated: 20-May-05