
US age 68
Joined 16 years ago
Last login 2 years ago
Just here to have a good time. Maybe meet some good people.
My RudeNude Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:A girl
Marital Status:Married (but up for it anyway)
Member Since:20-Jan-08
Last Logged In:5-Jul-21
Location:Maryland, United States
Star Sign:
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Anything!, Casual Chat Room Talk, Hard Core Action
Interests:Athletics, Baseball / Softball, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Golf, Water Sports
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Average
Height:5' 7" (170cm)
Weight:185lbs (13st 3lbs) (83.9kg)
Eye Colour:Brown
Hair Colour:Black
Best Feature:Cock
Pubic Hair:Natural
Penis Length:8" (20.3cm)
Penis Girth:3" (7.6cm)
Professional Life
Employment Status:Full Time
Industry:Construction / Craftsman
Job Role:Management
Food Pref.:Non-vegetarian
Religion:Christian - Other
Sense Humour:Clever / Quick Witted
Social Style:Better in small groups
Kinkiest Place I've Had Sex:By a fire in a state park
Band:Pink Floyd
Sex Position:Any
Self Description
What Makes Me Happy:
What Makes Me Sad:
No Sex
My Final Thoughts:
If I was a millionaire...

I'd buy N+N
Creamingpie : Wow luv to join u Mary
(7 years ago)
drunkdare055 : Hey cheers for the add, great pics!
(7 years ago)
NumNutsCowboy : Ya'all have a great day! Love them outside pics!
(7 years ago)
lesnarfan : Thanks' for adding me
(7 years ago)
LookingnFburgVa : would you and your wife like to play sometime?
(8 years ago)
cocolove68 : yumyumyum
(8 years ago)
rickels61 : nice pics--fun main pic
(8 years ago)
ShowHerOff32 : Thanks for the add! Sexy Marylanders are the best!
(8 years ago)
mevans1960 : Hope you liked my pics
(9 years ago)
peekaboobs : Love Love Love your profile pic. Very creative and sexy!!
(9 years ago)
whippingUPcream : Thanks for the Add, I wanna see you fucking or licking ur girls' pussy
(9 years ago)
tokinunclet : Thanks for being a friend on here. Have a great day.
(10 years ago)
Huxtastic : You are one complete and utter spastic inbred fucking cunt you stupid waste of fucking space. Why don't you do everyone a favour and just crawl off into your whore mothers basement and die a slow and painful death you miserable cunt. How you are still allowed on this site making all of our lives a misery is beyond me. You are one pathetic sad lonely individual and you will end your life that way.
(10 years ago)
pleasurecouple : We love your avatar
(10 years ago)
(10 years ago)
Huxtastic : Get a fucking life
(10 years ago)
TexAngel : Good morning to you too, asshole! I'm glad you enjoyed looking a my new pics and thanks for the downvote. I always enjoy it!
(10 years ago)
Huxtastic : Listen prick, you're really starting to piss me off! All because we didnt accept your random friend request! You are a very sad person if this is the only enjoyment you get out of life by downvoting people, you pathetic childish human being!
(10 years ago)
mfpandbc : Your a real fucking man you fuck. Downvoting on peoples pics cause they dont accept a friend request or u don't like them. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!
(10 years ago)
TexAngel : If you would have taken the time to read my profile, you would have seen I don't accept friend requests from people I've never talked to. You and I have never had any communication what so ever! It was quite lovely of you to down vote all my pictures just because I hurt you feelings by not accepting your request. Asshole!!
(10 years ago)
Huxtastic : Fuck you
(10 years ago)
Profile last updated: 24-Jun-12