US age 49
Joined 5 years ago
Last login 17 hours ago
My RudeNude Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:No one at the moment
Marital Status:Married (but up for it anyway)
Member Since:6-May-19
Last Logged In:16-Jun-24
Location:United States
Star Sign:Sagittarius
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Anything!, Cyber Sex w-out/cam, Casual Chat Room Talk
Interests:Motor Racing, Athletics, Music, Cars / Motorcycles, Nature, Hiking / Camping
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Professional Life
02200 hasn't filled in this section yet.
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Food Pref.:Non-vegetarian
Sense Humour:Clever / Quick Witted
Social Style:Better in small groups
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Self Description
SusieA_50 : I'm glad u think so...Thank u...S. 😊
(65 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Appreciate ur comment and new likes...Thank u...S. 😊
(163 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Thank u, I like to keep things fresh and exciting...S. 😊
(239 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Thank u for the like on my picture...S. 😊
(245 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Well Thank u again...I didn't get a chance to get a butt shot it was all kinda fast...S. 😊
(259 days ago)
SusieA_50 : No bra or panties...Little dress and shoes that's it...Glad u like it...S. 😊
(264 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Not much between them that's for sure...S. 😊
(285 days ago)
SusieA_50 : I hear u...training would be intense and feel good when u were all done. Thanks...S. 😊
(290 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Always love getting likes and comments from u on my pictures...Thank u...S. 😊
(357 days ago)
SusieA_50 : Get it while u can the vacation is over after tomorrow. Did my best trying to spoil the members while vacationing. Glad u enjoy them...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : I'm glad it does...That means I'm doing something right...Thanks...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : 5th
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Sure if I wasn't married Hun...Thank u for the like...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Wouldn't that be a site to see...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Thank u I try my best for u all...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Flattery will get u everywhere....Love ur sweet comment...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Thank u again...hope u have big hands...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Thank u...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Love the compliment...S. 😊
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : I try...Hope its working...Love ur comments...S.
(1 year ago)
SusieA_50 : Glad to see another sweet comment...Thank u...S.😊
(1 year ago)
Profile last updated: 27-Nov-19