BE age 77
Joined 11 years ago
Last login 7 years ago
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My RudeNude Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:
Marital Status:
Member Since:10-Nov-12
Last Logged In:7-Dec-16
Location:Antwerp, Belgium
Star Sign:
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Professional Life
SGWINS hasn't filled in this section yet.
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SGWINS hasn't filled in this section yet.
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SGWINS hasn't filled in this section yet.
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Self Description
cocolove68 : sweet sweet
(7 years ago)
woody6942 : Hi how are you great pics pleas add me as a friend if you can i would love to have some fun with you sometime keep the pics cumming and play with you soon If you cant add me as a friend check out the Other Interests I have in bio its another FREE fun site i use play with you soon its a cam site lets have some fun cum with you soon
(11 years ago)
b17b17b176 : Glad I happened onto your profile - what a bod you have - I love it. Would love to keep up with your antics if you feel comfortable making me a friend, or chat on NN if you're up for it.
(11 years ago)
wec : U guys are so hot!! Enjoyed ur pics and looking to see more of both of you!
(11 years ago)