
AU age 27
Joined 5 years ago
Last login 1 year ago
Both of us are new to the voyeur gig, but it excites us alot. So just paddling in shallow water for now and look forward to seeing what people say:D if you encourage her she may show more give her some ideas of what you would like to see, TRIBUTES WELCOME we are here to show of that is all;) :D her face will never be on here other then that please enjoy whatever we decide to offer!, everyone enjoys looking;) M29 F22
My RudeNude Status:
I am:Couple
Sexual Preference:Girls & Guys
Am Seeking:No one at the moment
Marital Status:Defacto/Cohabiting
Member Since:4-Jun-19
Last Logged In:26-Jan-23
About Exavierz
Star Sign:Libra
Is Following:
Is Looking For:Casual Chat Room Talk, A New Friend
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Professional Life
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Self Description
Exavierz : It says no seedy single males and nobody over 40>.> not every guy over 40 is seedy:/
(5 years ago)
thyknlong : No offence but you're not exactly gods gift to mankind.Honey works a lot better than vinegar. Pass!
(5 years ago)
somefunbum : you just called every guy here over 40 seedy...........but no offense???
(5 years ago)
Exavierz : It's not to offend, everyone is welcome to look and enjoy what they see:) we just won't be accepting the requests or messages
(5 years ago)
somefunbum : Well thast one way to offend about 90% of the people on here LOL
(5 years ago)
Profile last updated: 11-Feb-20